Two weeks ago, we celebrated Amilia’s Light’s first anniversary at our Light the Night Celebration. Blessings abounded. There was hard work and camaraderie and meaningful moments shared in the preparation and in the celebration. Simple moments, like sitting down in the front yard with two of the A5 volunteers, girls that would have graduated with Amila, but that I’d only met this year. We shared the simple joy of sitting in solitude for a few minutes and taking it all in. The lights, the meaning of the work, the message of spreading the light, and how the money being raised is changing the course of life for young women in Uganda, by creating opportunities for empowerment.

The lights had a similar affect on the party guests, when Amila’s garden was lit up and the very loved, hand made wooden angel appeared from the dark. Coincidentally, Light the Night was planned the same night Compassionate Friends organizes a world- wide candle lighting for children who have passed away. As guests walked up into Amilia’s garden and placed tea lights, I was reminded of how blessed I was to celebrate the evening, with new and old friends, many who never knew Amilia but share the dream to change lives, one girl at a time.
This week there have been so many moments to feel blessed; I’m blessed to be on vacation with my children in the Teton’s. I’ve gotten to ski, snowshoe, sled and snowmobile. I even get some considerable air -without injury to myself or others! I’ve seen elk and moose and taken pictures of Bison that were standing just 20 feet from the car.

I sat in on a graduate class at the Teton Science School and was impressed with the caliber of the instructors, the students and the course work. I felt great hope for our future as I could envision how these students would step up, step out and illuminate our world, by teaching others to care for and steward this precious gift we live in.
Most of all, I feel blessed that I can set my light out on a dark night for those that need a step up, so they can step out and continue to illuminate our world.
My wish for you this Christmas, is that you may feel as blessed as I do, and that you too, can find a way to light a candle in your world.
Michelle Luhrmann,
Founder and President, Amilia's Light