Feeling Thank FULL that I 'stepped up, stepped out and did something'
During the month of November everywhere we look, there are
reminders for us to give thanks. At
Amilia’s Light, we are doing the same thing, reminding everyone, to consider
the blessings in their lives and to ‘step up, step out and do something' to make a difference
in another’s life. It’s the day before Thanksgiving and it’s a perfect New England fall day; sunny, clear skies with a slight chill in the air - just cold enough to start a morning fire and warm the house.
I’m blessed to have the time and resources to sit and reflect on my own life and what I have to be grateful for… God, my children, my friends, my dog, my work, my health, my home, my garden…
And while things are not perfect (is it supposed to be?) my life is full. Maybe not as full as I dreamed it would be, I’m learning though, for it to be enough.
My family is changed, not by choice, but by circumstance. The word ‘family” has expanded
to include dear friends and those who have touched my life. One such young lady who has had the
courage to step up, step out and do something positive with her life, is
Teddy. She is one of the original five
young women our family sponsored to attend Destiny Women’s rehabilitation
When I visited Uganda last March, I had hoped to see all
five of the girls we sponsored. By the
end of week two, I was able to see three of the girls. One, had moved out of the country, and we had
been praying for her safety. But Teddy
was just a no-show. Her school was not
in session, and we just could not locate her.
I was sad and worried about the burdens of what she was facing at home.

The last night we hosted a gathering for the Destiny Girls. I resolved to enjoy the night of celebration. As I was handing out bibles, Vicki, who had been searching everywhere, all week, came in with Teddy right behind. I could not believe my eyes!
Later that night, she was tearful, upset and afraid. And we were afraid for her. I begged her to stay the weekend with Miriam, but she insisted on going home. Home to what – I wasn’t sure. To be honest I'm not sure I wanted to know. I was praying that she had not been forced back to her old life. I gave her some money for the ride, and told her we would be there for her, but that the choice was hers and hers alone. I couldn’t make her choose what I thought was the “right choice”. I left the car, headed up to my nice, clean air-conditioned hotel room, took a long hot shower and just sobbed.
I found out more details later. Teddy’s mom, living and working in a
dangerous situation elsewhere, left Teddy in charge of her two younger
siblings, with little resources to care for them.
Months later, more details - Teddy was 7 months
pregnant. Immediately, I thought FAILURE.
How would I tell our followers about this? What would they think???
That’s NOT the model we are working toward.
How would I tell our followers about this? What would they think???
That’s NOT the model we are working toward.
And then… I was humbled
As Miriam noted that
Teddy was stepping up and taking responsibility for this beautiful child of
And then…I found a bit of grace
Despite little prenatal care, Teddy’s baby
girl was born this summer, and we are happy to report that both mom and child
are healthy and safe. Teddy gave me the
courage to step up and out of my comfort zone,
to share the story in church, not knowing what kind of reaction I would
And then...I was grateful
When I asked for prayers, I was astounded, at how many people expressed
gratitude that I shared this story of courage of Teddy and her new daughter.
Introducing, Baby Michelle
And now...I am full up
Michelle Luhrmann
Founder, President, Amilia's Light