You have to open a door, in order to
Step up, Step out and 'Do Something'
Recently, I attended a
leadership workshop and someone asked me, “How do you start a nonprofit?” I looked at her with a blank face and
replied, “Honestly, I have NO idea."
I then began to explain
the back story - how it began with an outpouring of compassion and love from
my community and grew into something so much greater.
Admittedly, there are
times that I feel way over my head when I think, How can I possibly lead this
organization? How can I provide hope for
these girls? I have no experience in
running a business, let alone nonprofits or human trafficking.
Two days later - God
answered my questions and I was reminded that I’m not doing this alone. Quoting
Rick Yancy, my pastor at UCC Medfield, Phil Bauman, said,
“God doesn’t call the equipped,
he equips the called.”
Let me tell you, I slept a
whole lot better that night…
Really, at this point, I
should not be losing sleep; after all, I’ve felt God step in my whole life with
the next
best situation and opportunity, most often in the form of just the
right person to answer my question, calm my fears, hold my hand, or dry a tear.
While presenting our story at the Holistic Center last week, I
explained that each step along the way, God knocked; I simply chose to answer
the door. I was open to listening to the
Divine, sought wise counsel, and then I just did what I was called to do.
Amilia’s Light was and is
the next
best opportunity for me to explore. God spoke to me in that still small voice about
honoring Amilia, this child of light, for the tenth anniversary of her
passing. He provided an outpouring of
help from my friends that gave birth to our vision:
A world where all
women are safe, valued, loved, educated and have opportunity
Two years later, a mission
trip, a garden party, $10,138 raised, 501(c) 3 tax exempt approval, a
celebration, a fully operational nonprofit, a second mission trip and garden
party and now a working plan to empower young women in Uganda so close to being
realized. Should I be surprised? No. How can I be? I just smile, shake my head, and think –
Rick Yancy was right…
What are you being called to do?
( We hope it’s to )
- Help us meet the $25k goal and make self-sustainability a reality To donate today, Click Here
- Share our Fall online Campaign, ”Do Something”
- Volunteer - ask us how you can help? email us at
- Spread the word about who we are and our mission. Click here for our website
- Share this blog via email or social media

But if there is another
knock that you need to answer,
another call,
another call,
then by all means, please
open that door and
Do Something! Step
Up… Step Out… Illuminate Our World
Michelle Mannarino Luhrmann
Founder and President, Amilia’s Light
Next Week: See how our Board Members are Stepping out to 'Do Something'
Learn more about how Amilia’s Light got started in "A Spark of Light"
Learn more about how Amilia’s Light got started in "A Spark of Light"
and Destiny Women-Uganda in "It Takes Courage To Step Out"
Special Thanks to Matthew West, for his inspiring video, "Do Something"
Inspiring Resource: Bill Hybels, "Power of A Whisper"